MAHNKE FAMILY | Toledo Botanical Garden Family Photographer | Toledo, OH

MAHNKE FAMILY | Toledo Botanical Gardens

Nestled in the heart of Toledo, Ohio you’ll find thousands of beautiful flowers and trees waiting to be discovered by adventurous families, active couples, and peaceful individuals enjoying their lush, green beauty. There’s no denying it –The Toledo Botanical Gardens are absolutely breathtaking. Seriously, there isn’t one spot unworthy of a photo shoot, from wedding photography to family photography.


We’ve snapped photographs at The Botanical Gardens for years now and no two sessions have been identical. Even the exact same field will look like a different landscape when facing one side versus the other. Sometimes it’s hard to remember you’re in Toledo, Ohio. The seasons also transform The Gardens. The Fall is colorful and unique, the Spring vibrant, and the Summer is golden and green. 

This year, we were blessed to photograph the Mahnke family for the third time! Kristy, Matt, and their three kids Madisyn, Makayla, and Mason had a blast playing at the park while we snapped all the pictures! The day of the shoot we decided to move it up an hour to avoid a thunderstorm, so they ate a quick fast food dinner on the way. Matt was making his kids die laughing teasing them about their “chalupa breath”!  It wouldn’t have been hard to make photo magic with such a beautiful family in the frame as it is, but those smiles were icing on the cake. 

You can tell how much the kids look up to their dad, and how much they love their mom. As a family, they love to hang at the lake, ride their ATVs, and watch Madisyn slay at her softball games. Kristy said their house is usually chaotic (you know, in the BEST kind of way) but when the kids aren’t home, Kristy and Matt like to drink wine and enjoy each other’s company in their beautiful country home. Basically, they’re perfect. We can’t wait to continue filling their home with cherished memories.
